Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 3 A Day of Worship and Celebration

Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.

Church service Sunday morning started at 7 at Methodist Church Ghana Wesley Cathedral, Adum-Kumasi where Pastor Casely recalled recording his father speak some thirty years ago. He presided over the service with the local ministers, reading the gospel message from Luke 12:13-21. The message, focused on the question "Who is Jesus?", considered John 14, 1 John 1:1-4, 2 John, and 2 Peter 1:16-18 to answer the question. The spotlight was on Dan Green until the nearly 3 hour service concluded. *
Pastor Casely giving benediction during worship service

After a quick eggs, toast, and beans brunch, we loaded the SU (Scripture Union) truck with Bibles to

Loading boxes of Bibles for Bible Dedication Ceremony
be given to Yaa Asantewaa girls senior high school. In a ceremony featuring guest of honor Her Excellency Dr. Mrs. Ernestina Naadu Mills (former First Lady of Ghana from 2009-2012), 1900 Bibles were given away so that every girl in the school now has a Bible in their possession. It is the former First Lady's initiative to get a Bible in the hands of every senior high school student in the nation. We were blown away by the magnitude of the Bible dedication and presentation (Ghanian secret service for former First Lady, parades, impressive children's choir, stack of Bibles given out, media*). Osofo (Pastor) Casely gave the closing prayer and benediction after our team handed out the Bibles to the young ladies. We learned a joyful lesson about what it means to reap what we did not sow (check out John 4:37-38).
Happy girls waving their new Bibles in the air!

A quick dinner, featuring spicy Ghanian food, was followed by a second orientation session about Cultural Differences led by Uncle Jude Hama, former Director and current CEO SU. Rest time...

*If interested in viewing either the Ghanian Methodist church service or the Bible dedication ceremony, try tuning in to Ghanian local TV and look for Daniel Green's shining face front and center. Don't bother trying to find him in the team picture with the former First Lady however, he didn't want to steal the spotlight from Her Excellency.

Ghana Team 2013 with Her Excellency-notice Dan G. missing Dan S. looking for Dan G.

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