Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 9 Debriefing, Arts, Coconuts...Goodbye Ghana

Matthew 6:20, 21
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moths and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

We were a little sad this morning when we woke up, probably because we were tired from our week's traveling and had to accept this was our last day in Ghana.  After eating our traditional Ghanian breakfast of eggs, beans, and toast, we all gathered for a debriefing session with Uncle Kwame and Pastor Casely.  Delaine shared a special devotion from Jesus Calling which contained the Scripture Union tag line verse:  Psalm 119: 105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet, a light to my path.  We thought this was not coincidence that her devotion related to our work with Scripture Union instead, we considered it as a "God-incident"! 

We appreciated the fact that SU is dedicated in improving their work to be more effective in organization, approach, ministry resources.  The debriefing session was in part completed so SU can improve future mission teams training and experiences to be more effective during their stay.  We had a productive discussion and shared ideas and opinions in an atmosphere of acceptance.  It proved to also be a great way to begin a process of reflection on our trip in an objective way.  During the session, Uncle Kwame also shared a short talk with us...based on 1 Cor. 9:19-27.  He encouraged us to continue to be disciples to run the race to get the prize...a crown that would last forever.  To continue to press forward so some day we will hear our Father say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."  Again, he emphasized the truth that it is not by our work that others are saved, rather it's the work of the Holy Spirit.  We are to share the Gospel then leave it up to God!  The Holy Spirit is in charge of changing and convicting hearts.  We just come along side of God as he does the work. 

If it hasn't become evident during our previous blog entries, let's take a minute to recognize Uncle Kwame as an amazing man of God!  He is a faithful disciple and mentor for so many in Ghana and beyond.  He is a humble leader who leads by example and allows himself to be led by the Holy Spirit.  A passionate disciple of Jesus, he speaks with God's authority and truth.  A man of prayer, integrity, passion, humor, and love!  We have all been deeply touched by him during our stay in Ghana. Lord willing, we look forward to fellowship with him again during his visit to the U.S. next month.  Thank You, Uncle Kwame, for your commitment to spreading the Gospel even as you have sacrificed personally to be a leader and mentor to others in SU. We pray for God to continue to use you in a mighty way! We pray God will grant you wisdom and discernment as you minister and lead SU regional directors, staff, and partners of SU.  We think you are FANTASTIC!!
Pictured left to right-Uncle Kwame, Pastor Casely, Uncle Jude

Closing in on the last hours in Ghana, we had the unique opportunity to visit the Accra Arts Center.  A beautiful mosaic of artwork taking many forms-paintings, wood work, fabrics, purses, clothing, jewelry, etc. Ghanians are talented in their handiwork.  We were briefed on the savvy merchants and their talented way to interact with their customers.  We were comforted by the fact that we would be paired with SU staff (Comfort and Collems) to help us navigate through this shopping experience.  And Wow! Was it an experience to remember!  You will have to ask the team members...each of us has a story to share about our shopping experience. 

Our guides proved faithful in helping us navigate through the center and our shopping was fruitful.  We may have "made and lost" friends along the way but our transactions were fair and honest.  Dan G. and Delaine proved to be master bargainers.  Delaine's previous experience in similar markets gave her bold bargaining skills while Dan G. appearing to be "green" at this experience, bargained like a pro.  He even had a merchant run up to our van to make a final sale as we pulled away!  They were chasing him!  Equally impressive was Dan S. who used a totally different approach to the market.  He became such good friends with the merchants that they GAVE him a bracelet for FREE.  His friendliness was so contagious that he had a man sell him the shirt right off his back...for a very good price.

(L) Dan G & Dan S working on a purchase.(R) Delaine and Collum

Satisfied with our 2 hour shopping experience, we shared some fresh coconut juice and "meat." To Sidney's delight, it was a refreshing and delicious treat!  (she had been asking for coconuts all week).
Kiki and Sidney enjoying coconut juice

Dan G & Dan S eating coconut
Faced with the fact our time in Ghana was over, we headed back to the lodge to pack and head to the airport for the long journey home. Arriving at the airport, we checked in our luggage then walked over to the Landing Restaurant (where our first meal was shared) to share our last meal together-  amazing fried fish and fries. Full stomachs and full hearts, we walked back to the airport to say our goodbyes.  We all pray that we will see each other again, whether it be in Africa, US or heaven!  Our flight departed on time and we flew to Frankfurt during the night. 

We all were giving thanks for answered prayers: prayers for safety (physically, mentally, emotionally), prayers to form relationships(among our team and with students and SU), prayers for ability to share the Gospel in a way it would be heard and accepted!  Praise the Lord! 

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