Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 8 Walking by Faith...above treetops and in the ocean

Psalm 9:1-2
I will praise you O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

We rose early again to the sounds of the birds and roosters(btw these sounds were an everyday occurrence).  We headed out to join University Practice Senior High School for their morning worship time.  Daniel G. shared a gospel message of Matt 7:24 and tied in our recent visit to Cape Coast to help give students a visual of the beach sand on which we build our lives.  He encouraged them to build their lives on the rock of Jesus so they will be able to withstand the storms and rising waters of life. Uncle Kwame always speaks after our testimonies and gospel messages to summarize and pull together the words we have for the students.  We think these summaries not only helps the students overcome understanding our English accents, it also encourages them to act on prompting of the Holy Spirit tugging on their hearts.  With urgency, he always tells them not to wait!  The time is now to accept Christ!  In an amazing and powerful way, we see the Holy Spirit work to bring the students forward to accept Christ or renew their relationship with Him!  Today, we were given a brief time to minister to about 10 students before students had to return to their daily class schedule. 
Uncle Kwame praying with students who accept Christ.

After our worship time, we were blessed to meet the student president of the SU club for University Practice SHS.  A sweet, well-spoken young lady named Gold. She told us a little bit about the challenges of being a SU leader for the school and the desire she has to encourage students to live out their faith as Christians rather than just using the word as a title.  As in our own country, we are guilty of calling ourselves Christians but not walking out our faith.  It's easy to go to church and enjoy the message and worship service, only to exit the building leaving our faith behind until the next week.  As we talked with Gold, we hoped to encourage her to keep up the work...keep praying for her classmates and loving them with the Love of Jesus.  It's hard as humans to love each other so we all get discouraged at times, but we've been reminded many times throughout this week we are not the ones who have a mission or ministry.  It's God's ministry and we just come along side of him.  Please join us in praying for the student leaders of SU in Ghana that the Lord would sustain them as a vessel through which His love is shared and help them be servant leaders of their fellow classmates in a way that is honoring and pleasing to God.
Talking with Gold, SU club president for Univ. Practice SHS

We went back to the Cape Coast University lodging to share a hearty breakfast and pack up to travel to our next stop at Kakum National Park.  The Canopy Walkway turned out to be our team's favorite recreational activity of the week (Uncle Kwame might not share in that opinion).  Kakum National Park is a beautiful spectacle of  God's creation!  The area is covered with tropical rainforest and was established by the local people. The canopy walk is 350 m or 1,150 ft. long and connects seven tree tops while reaching up to 40 meters high! A majority of us walked gingerly along the bridge holding onto the ropes, trying to maintain our courage to finish. The exception was, of course, Dan S. who exclaimed, "We walk by faith, not by sight!" as he pulls himself up on the ropes on the bridge so he can swing his legs around.  It was a thrill Dan S. could not pass up!  Don't worry though, he was kind enough to time his swing so as to not scare or alarm others. 

Physically walking back down from being above the treetops, we all knew we would soon experience the same feeling of coming down off the high of serving together in Ghana since this was our last full day in Africa! However, we still had the next 24 hours to cherish, and we did so in fine fashion!  Lunch was served in Cape Coast restaurant with a beautiful view of the Gulf of Guinea.  The "youngsters" ate quicker than usual so they could take a walk along the beach and step in the Atlantic Ocean. Momma D continues her tradition of doing a cartwheel at every beach she has visited...she just checked off Cape Coast beach to her cartwheel list! 


 Traffic into Accra can be brutal so we couldn't linger at the beach any longer.  We started back to back toward Accra and for a farewell reception with the SU board members. Again, we were blown away by the hospitality of SU!  One of the SU board    members opened up his home and we as we shared in a meal together and viewed a slide show that Comfort had compiled with music and pictures of our team as we traveled through Ghana!  Each of our team members took a brief moment to share with the board members the impact of our stay in Ghana and what it meant for us. A sweet moment together of fellowship with believers from different cultures who are all working together for a common goal-to spread the Good News of the Gospel.  Our STM team was able to present the SU board with laptops for their ministries. The SU board team surprised us with gifts-Welcome banners and Ghana colored scarves with our names and "Jesus Loves You" stitched in thread! These gifts will serve as treasured reminders of our time together!

Presenting a laptop to SU board member

Our first and last night of our trip were spent at the Institute of African Studies Yiri Lodge so it felt  like we've completed a full circle of our trip. Hearts full of joy, we slept...well.

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