Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 6 Singing in Sunyani

Psalm 67:7 "God will bless us and all the ends of the earth will fear Him."

Another delicious breakfast of eggs, bread, and this time baked beans.  We hit the road bright and early once again to present the gospel at Odumaseman Senior High School's morning worship devotion. Many dedicated students showed up to the optional service to hear Dan S. present the gospel through the story of the dead girl and the sick woman (Mark 5:21-43).  It was disappointing that we were unable to follow up with the student since we were late to the school and the students were on a tight schedule.

Dan S. bringing a Gospel message to students of OSHS
OSHS Students hearing Gospel Message

After the normal formality of meeting the headmaster, we headed back to the hotel before the next school visit. During this time, Osofo Casely and Uncle Kwame had the chance to go visit one of their friend's who is the local Anglican minister. They also had the chance to visit the Methodist church of Sunyani that Osofo Casely's father opened and dedicated on August 28, 1983. In a bookstore next to the church Casely's book, "Genuinely Ghanian: A History of the Methodist Church Ghana, 1961-2000," was discovered. What a joy for Casely to visit the church his father pastored and be reminded of his faithful service to The Lord.

The next school visit started around 1 and featured ridiculously energetic singing, dancing, and worship. Sidney blessed us all with the story of how God showed up in her life, focusing on Luke 5:27-32, God calls the broken so he can heal them. Melody presented the gospel by means of Luke 15:11-32, the Parable of the Lost Son (or sons). It's all about the love of the Father. An overwhelming number of students came forward at the opportunity to accept or recommit their lives to Christ at Berekum Senior High School.
Delaine dancing joyfully with the students

Student Worship celebration!

We headed straight to a Scripture Union Community Gathering at a local church constructed by the local SU volunteers. Many leaders, including the longest-serving member in Scripture Union's history (26.5 years) were present to hear Delaine's message on keeping the faith through suffering based on the exile of Daniel in Babylon. The time shared with the community afterwards was among the most precious time the team has spent building relationships with the faithful of Ghana. We finished our tonight. Casely concluded the night with this message: "When you love God, despite your circumstances you have no excuse to disobey Him."
Singing and worship during SU community fellowship 
time together with a short Q&A for the SU gathering. We were asked questions such as how worship in Ghana compares to worship in the US and what our personal reasons for joining the missions team at BACC were. Casely asked the crowd a few questions including how we would pray for them. A few of them joined us for dinner back at the hotel 

When asked what we could be praying for Scripture Union Ghana in this region they gave us the following prayer requests. Please join us in praying for:
1. That Scripture Union will impact children in schools in positive, powerful ways.
2. For a spirit of peace to continue in order to worship God.
3. That all corruption in churches will come to an end.
4. That the falsehoods and false prophets that are infiltrating the church will not shake the faith of the church.
Q & A at the SU Community Center

The team is resting and preparing for a long drive to Cape Coast tomorrow. Prayers for safety and team growth are appreciated as we bond on the road.

We'd like to make special note of the impact the young ladies, Sidney and Kiki have had on local girls. They are admired dearly, and have demonstrated what Paul refers to in Philippians 1:27, "conducting themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel." The love they show is a beautiful example to the rest of the team and Ghanians alike.
Kiki talking to students about starting their walk with Jesus
Sidney & Kiki ministering to students

We'd like to thank all who have been praying from the states and elsewhere around the world. God is showing up everywhere we go and He is doing powerful things in the hearts of our team members as well. Continue to pray for transformation of our hearts (Romans 12) and a reconfigured worldview centered on the gospel as we share the Good News here.

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