Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 5 Smiling in Sunyani

Numbers 6:22-26
The Lord bless you and keep you ; The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. 

We wanted everyone to know that today was Pastor Casely's birthday and that this blog entry is being made by Sidney and Kiki, the youngest and most fun members of the team. (At least we think so)

This morning we woke up to bread, sausage and eggs. After we ate breakfast we all piled into our beloved mini van and headed off to our first school of the day. The name of the school we went to was Bechem Presbyterian Senior High School. This school was co-Ed with about 1,000 students currently attending. 

There we had Dan G give us his testimony which was very eye opening and afterwards Sidney shared the gospel for the morning, the gospel was on Luke 5: 27-31. She encouraged the kids to give their lives to Christ  because without doing so our life would never be the same. We had 52 students come forward and commit or renew their lives to Christ. It was so overwhelming and enjoyable.  

We left the school at around 2 to stop and try some tropical drinks and "biscuits" as Casely calls them. He was surprisingly right when he said they tasted incredible. 
Roadside snack with biscuits and tropical drinks

Both of us girls never get tired of seeing the women here in Ghana carrying huge tubs of things on their heads or babies on their backs. We will also literally stop our conversations with each other to point out a cute goat or chicken on the side of or in the road. 

Serwaa Kese SHS Students hearing Delaine and Kiki's message

After having a little snack,  we headed off to our second school for the day. The name of this school was Serwaa Kesse Girls Senior High School. This is an all girls school but, we liked it that way and it made things easier. It was especially easier for Mrs. Delaine ( Momma D) and Kiki because they spoke at the school. Mrs. Delaine gave her testimony first encouraging the girls to have relationship rather than religion then Kiki gave the gospel message using the story Footprints to help her explain we are never alone when 

we have trying times. Both were very  well spoken and contained such a great message.  We had about 30 students recommit their lives to Christ. 

Finally, we came back to the hotel where we had yet another great meal and celebrated Casely's birthday #PARTY #cake!! A Scripture Union pastor actually came to the hotel to pray for Casely's life and to celebrate with us. 
Celebrating Pastor Casely's Birthday with cake and sparkling juice

While most of the team enjoyed a brief trip into Sunyani to take a walk through town, others retreated to their room to enjoy an early bedtime.  

Both of us girls and the entire rest of the team want to ask you to continue to pray for us as we speak to the youth of Ghana. We ask you to pray that God will work through us so they can know of his love for them. Now we sleep...the rooster crows early tomorrow as we have 3 schools to visit.  

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